Tournament Selection/Dropdown above
Date and Time
3:00:00 PM
The time display above is showing your local time
$1,800 Based on 80 paid entries. $900 Guaranteed. All Prizes will be reduced by 50% if less than 80 players pay registration.
Projected Prize Structure
$400-200-150-50-50, Best U2400 - $50-25, Best U2200 - $50-25, Best U2000 - $50-25, Best Female - $75-50-25
Tournament Format and Time Control
15SS, G/3+1
note: There will be a 10 sec wait in between rounds.
Fee: $12.00 by 8/2, $24 by 8/11, $36 by 8/15 . No entry allowed on 8/16
Free Registration for the following players if they register to the tournament (Step 1) and Join the Team (Step 2) before 8/8.
First 10 (GMs or WGMs) regardless of rating, GMs over 2650 FIDE and WGMs over 2400 FIDE
How to Register
1. Register to the tournament and pay the registration fee at:
2. Join the lichess team by clicking on button below:
​​Note: After a player clicks “Join the Team” on lichess his approval will be pending and it won’t be approved until the player completes step 1 (With the exception of those who are free)
3. Join the tournament by clicking on button below :
Fair Player Policy
If a player earns a prize he/she will need to provide ID and selfie (Showing Face and Id) to confirm they are the person who play with the account.
All games from those who earn prizes will be reviewed for possible cheating
If the final standings are official (3 days after the end of the tournament) and the prizes have been payed claims will not be accepted any more.
Any claims please contact:
Refund Policies and Prize Earnings
The higher rating between the FIDE Standard Rating and (USCF or National) -100 Standard will be used for defining the prize the player earned on a section and if the player belongs to a section.
If the player doesn't have any standard rating their higher FIDE Blitz or (USCF or National) -100 Blitz will be used, then FIDE Rapid or (USCF or National) Rapid - 100 will be used to determine prizes within sections.
If a player is eligible for two prizes between the sections, only the higher prize will be awarded.
If a player doesn't have a FIDE rating, they will still be eligible to receive the section prizes following this formula. (National Rating (USCF or Other) -100 = Fide rating).
If a player doesn't have FIDE or (National Rating (USCF or Other)) regular rating then their highest between their blitz or rapid rating will be used. If a player doesn't have a rating at all then the player will be eligible for all brackets (Except the women if the player is man).
A player is eligible for any prize bracket that's higher than his/her rating. The player will be automatically moved to the bracket with the highest prize earned. If a player earns the same amount of money on two or more brackets, then the player will be moved to the higher bracket for prize earnings.
Tiebreaks are decided by the standings provided by lichess.
A Refund request will not be accepted once the tournament starts, unless the tournament is canceled by the organizer or the site (lichess).
Any refund will reflect the PayPal/Credit Card Fees incurred.
If a player earns a prize, the player is responsible to cover the cost of all transfer fees. Payment to players within the USA will be given in full as there are no transfer fees.
The final standings will be available 3 days after the tournament is finished. Prizes will be paid after the standings are official.
Title Players must play the tournament with a verified title lichess account.
Zoom/Video Recording/Streaming
If a player wishes to be eligible for prizes, they must do 1 (one) of the following:
1. Join the zoom meeting with the following link OR meeting id and password:
Meeting ID: 332 903 9241
Password: 7D7js4
Special Instructions:
Join the meeting 15-30 minutes before the tournament starts
User your Full Name when asked by zoom
2. Stream on Twitch or YouTube or any other streaming platform
Special Instructions:
You are not allow to read chat while playing the game. Only read chat in between rounds
The player must comply with all of the following Rules:
Share your screen/ Angle Camera (Board and Room surrounding should be visible)
No extraneous or excessive sounds will be permitted
No headphones
Video camera showing your face clearly